How to Speak So People Really Listen: The Straight-Talking Guide to Communicating with Influence and Impact

How to Speak So People Really Listen: The Straight-Talking Guide to Communicating with Influence and Impact

How to Speak So People Really Listen is a great book if you want to improve your public speaking ability or communication with people in general. I found this book useful, as I am slightly shy when it comes to public speaking (as many others out there are), and found both the theoretical and practical side enlightening.

Paul McGee reveals three ‘R’s’:

  • Reinforced: Reinforce your skills through repetition
  • Reminder: Remind yourself of the different listening skills, even if you have heard them before
  • Reveal: No matter how experienced you are, you can always gain fresh insights

With this framework of the ‘seven deadly sins’, Paul has provided an easy-to-read guide to help one overcome those undesirable nerves, while presenting ideas in the most effective way possible. Some include making the message memorable by being clear,

I have personally spent some time at Toastmasters, and found this book illustrated a lot of the tools I have learned through that group in a concise manner.

Quotes from the book

“We can all talk. The challange is getting someone to listen.”

“Knowing the words to a song does not make you a great singer. Neither does having expertise in a subject make you a great speaker.”


“Criminals and politicians can manipulate minds because they’ve developed the skills of knowing how to presuade others. ”


“Good people with a great message are not gauranteed a captive audience.”

” We need to learn how to cover our message with Velcro, rather than coat it with Teflon”




Click here to get your copy of How to Speak So People Really Listen

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